How outdoor advertising maintains image persistence
We know that outdoor billboards for a long time in the sun exposure, if the accuracy is not high, it is easy to drop the color, how to keep it longer precision image is every photo machine users are very concerned about the problem, the following we teach you a few tricks.
First of all, try to hang the advertisement in the back Yang place, especially when the image is attached to the glass, the accumulated photothermal will further destroy the image; second, it is best to choose a better quality outdoor media; If the two conditions are well combined, the image can be saved to replace an ad. We say again ink, dye ink is the most commonly used ink, one by ultraviolet radiation is easy to crack and fade: and the photo machine used in the Gienco ink anti-ultraviolet ability is much stronger, because the pigment molecules set by the synthesis of the lattice can absorb the energy of ultraviolet light, so that the destruction of color energy dispersion, Gienco ink is because of this characteristic, So the durability of color is good, but this characteristic at the same time makes the image color dark and easy to block the nozzle. Therefore, photo machine users in the purchase of pigment ink, it is best to choose the photo machine manufacturers recommended matching.
The feather degree of pigment ink is smaller than that of dye ink because its particles are heavier. The point of the pigment ink does not expand so that the point distance is larger, the ink point is sparse, and the image looks muddy. Now the method is to use inkstone particles as 1.5 of the wavelength of light, in order to reduce light dispersion and photo machine plugging phenomenon.
Another way to prevent UV rays is through laminating/gluing. Chemical agents or UV absorbers on the coated film, which can extend the life of the image several times. Ultraviolet light hit on the coated absorbent on the image has been turned into heat dissipation, ultraviolet resistance is reflected ultraviolet radiation, this resistance agent is mainly anti-coated film aging. The correct combination of laminating and the chemical composition of the adhesive is not an easy task, different combinations protect different UV wavelengths of radiation, different wavelengths destroy different colors of ink, and you can not use too many UV absorbers and reflectors, because it will make the ejection of the photo machine works too bleak. To prevent UV coating, make sure that your substrate is not used for fluorescence. Because these substrates use optical brightening media to increase the brightness of the white bottom, it absorbs ultraviolet light and re-reflects the blue light energy, if your anti-ultraviolet coating block the UV rays fired into this substrate, then the photo mechanism of the image of the white zone will be slightly yellowish, it is best to listen to the manufacturer's recommendations rather than their own matching.