Common Questions for UV Flatbed Printing Buisness
UV flatbed printer work we need to pay attention to the following points:
1, color manuscript image of the order level, color tone and clarity quality.
2, UV printer working status inspection and debugging, nozzle care, ink control, printing in time to see the quality of the map and make adjustments are the factors that affect the final picture quality.
3, inkjet paper performance suitability and operational suitability, UV ink color characteristics and operational suitability.
4, the various operating procedures of equipment, equipment and materials of the inkjet suitability, process operation quality and copy object adjustment data and many other aspects. The quality of image making before painting directly determines the quality of inkjet products.
5, before the printing of images, if found that the quality of the manuscript is not good, we should find ways to correct and improve, in order to ensure the high quality of printing.