Photo machine printing ghosting and misplacement solution
The photo machine can achieve highly restored images in advertising inkjet printing, but what should we do if the printing has ghosting and misplacement in the case of no problem with the selection of drawings and other related settings? Today, Zhengzhou Lecai photo machine manufacturers share two tips for everyone:
1: Check the grating of the photo machine, the dirt is the biggest natural enemy of the grating. Since the grating is the key to positioning the image, there is a little trace of dirt and dirt that will affect the position of the painting. Therefore, if dirt is detected, it should be cleaned with special tools, especially the daily use of the photo machine. It is easily affected by air dust and other ink inks, so the grating is affected. Therefore, the operator can clean the grating and then print the test when painting. If it is a grating problem, it can be replaced again, and the cost is not expensive, and the problem is solved.
2: Check if the car corresponding to the photo machine nozzle moves smoothly. The movement of the trolley is to control the nozzle, and it is also the key to achieve precise positioning of the inkjet position. If the drag of the trolley is too large during the movement to cause a situation such as a stuck, the nozzle will be inadvertently ejected and printed. The resulting image will be disorganized or ghosted. At this time, it is necessary to check whether the gasket, copper sleeve, etc. of the car have any foreign matter or serious wear. After cleaning, remember to add a little lubricant to solve it satisfactorily.