Pay attention to the following questions when purchasing a UV tablet
With the rapid growth of the domestic economy, people's consumption level is also more and more high, we buy UV tablet machine, especially home appliance digital, worried about the after-sales problem. Buying a UV printer, buying doesn't mean the end, but it's just beginning.
We all know that the late product after-sales maintenance services, not only can effectively enhance the brand awareness of enterprises, access to user trust, but also collect equipment data, to help the technical department to continuously improve and upgrade.
As we all know, UV printer after-sales difficult problems are mainly concentrated in the middle and low end of the modified flat panel printer market, because the purchase of this type of equipment users themselves funds are not generous, equipment is cheaper, coupled with this type of equipment itself due to modification, innate there are many problems. When manufacturers push back not to provide after-sales service, customers if through litigation, home and other means to recover costs, the economic losses caused by the period is too large, the cycle is too long, these users simply cannot afford.
On the contrary, the high-end flat-screen printer, this type of customer base is basically a large company, has a sound legal department, and do high-end flat-screen printer manufacturers, their own technical level and strength on the strong, basically rarely occur after-sales problems.
So how to buy UV flat-panel printer to choose the right manufacturer to protect their future after-sales rights and interests? Le color UV Flat Machine Small series to give you a few tricks:
Selection of manufacturers is the key, UV printer development to the present, with false terms to meet the needs of users, when the user money hit, not long, the company closed. So in the selection of equipment, it is best to choose a large brand, to the manufacturer field trip, as little as possible to select the modified flat-panel printer. We should choose their own close manufacturers to buy, if manufacturers push back, then users can go directly to the door rights, simple, easy to save, so as not to distance too far, whip. In involving the manufacturers to provide maintenance parts, time, cycle, home-door costs, travel expenses, accommodation and other details, we must be in the contract detailed list clearly, to avoid late maintenance of the two sides are not clear.